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13 Aprile 2012 Postato da: toolkitman
Problema WHDLOAD
Ciao Ragazzi,
Dopo aver installato la mia nuova ACA1231/42 ho provato a far partire qualche gioco sia per A500 che per AGA etc, si carica la schermata whdload ma subito dopo lo schermo diventa nero e l'hard disk non carica. Può essere un errore nei settaggi della ACA oppure un conflitto con i driver usb della subway?
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82.59.135.*** IBrowse/2.4 (AmigaOS V53; PPC; 68K build)
Commento 21
DavPPC 19 Aprile 2012    17:41:02


Mi puoi dare lo script?

Questo è lo script in S:WHDLoad.prefs:
; global configuration file for WHDLoad
; searched as "S:whdload.prefs"
; CLI-Arguments and ToolTypes will overwrite these !

;ButtonWait ;wait for button pressed (slave must support this)
;ChipNoCache ;disable cachebility of Chip-Memory
;ConfigDelay=400 ;wait to select options in splash window (1/50 seconds)
;CoreDumpPath=T: ;path for coredump files
ebugKey=$5b ;rawkey code to quit with coredump (debug)
ExecuteStartup=Execute S:WHDLoad-Startup ;command to execute on WHDLoad startup
ExecuteCleanup=Execute S:WHDLoad-Cleanup ;command to execute on WHDLoad exit
;Expert ;selects expert mode
;FreezeKey=$5d ;rawkey code to enter HrtMon/TK
MMU ;use MMU (for 68030)
;NoAutoVec ;ignore unwanted autovector interrupts
;NoFilter ;disable audio filter
;NoFlushMem ;do not flush memory
;NoMemReverse ;do not allocate memory reverse
;NoWriteCache ;disable the disk write cache
;QuitKey=$5a ;rawkey code to quit
;ReadDelay=150 ;wait after reading from disk (1/50 seconds)
;RestartKey=$5c ;rawkey code to restart
SavePath=Work:WHDLoad/Salvataggi ;base directory for all saves
ShowRegs=SYS:Utilities/MultiView W WL=80 WT=80 WW=582 WH=700 ;command for Show Regs
;SplashDelay=200 ;time to display splash window (1/50 seconds)
;WriteDelay=150 ;wait after saving something to disk (1/50 seconds)

Come vedi basta eliminare il punto e virgola e esegue due script arexx uno in avvio e uno in chiusura del WHDLoad;
Eccoli rispettivamente:
; example script to be used with WHDLoad option ExecuteStartup
; stop all software which can cause interrupts with external hardware
; optionally free memory to allow WHDLoad better PreLoad

; stop the IP-stack via ARexx
;C:rx offline.rexx

; stop Genesis with a X-Surf card
;AmiTCP:bin/offline x-surf0

; stop Poseidon USB-stack

; set compatible speed and disable JIT for UAE
;uae-configuration cpu_speed real cachesize 0

; example script to be used with WHDLoad option ExecuteCleanup
; restart all software which has been stopped previously with ExecuteStartup

; start Poseidon USB-stack

; start Genesis with a X-Surf card
;AmiTCP:bin/online x-surf0

; start the IP-stack via ARexx
;C:rx online.rexx

; enable max speed and JIT for UAE
;uae-configuration cpu_speed max cachesize 8192

Se hai altri dubbi chiedi pure.

Sam460ex 1ghz,OS4.1fe, 2GbRam, SSD480Gb, ATI RadeonHD5450 1gbsgram, Monitor ASUS 28" 16:9, card reader USB interno, controller UWSCSI-PCI;

A1200 OS3.9 Icedrake 68080, 512MbRAM, SSD240Gb, USB SubWay, card reader USB interno, Monitor-TV LED Philips 24ITE 24" 16:9;

Scanner Epson GT-7000 scsi2;

Scanner Epson GT-9500 scsi2;

Scanner Epson GT-5000 parallelo;

Scanner Epson perfection 1250 USB;

Commodore 64C + 1581.

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151.66.208.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0
Commento 22
Itachi Uchiha 12 Maggio 2013    17:43:28

Io ho problemi di audio rallentato sulla mia 1200 con workbench classic 3.1

ho una scheda accelleratrice ppc...da quanto ho letto bastava decommentare non è cambiato nulla...

any hint?


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151.66.208.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0
Commento 23
Itachi Uchiha 12 Maggio 2013    18:50:28

OK settati i tooltype tutto va a posto...

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