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03 Settembre 2016 Postato da: kiske77
Ciao ragazzi ho acquistato l'ACAA-1233n incl. CPU 68030/40 MHz and 127+1 MB RAM la prima in lista su vesalia quella da 239,90 euro ma su sysinfo mi da la velocita di 25.80mhz anziché 40mhz..come faccio a farla funzionare a 40mhz?sulla scheda del prodotto riporta questa dicitura:The ACA-1233 boards have much faster memory performance than any accelerator before - especially with cache and burst enabled. That's because the burst sequence is the fastest-possible sequence that the 68030 can perform: It's a sequence of four 32-bit transfers in four CPU cycles, which has not been shown before the introduction of the ACA-1230 in 2010. The result is outstanding performance, even in comparison with other 68030-based accelerators at higher clock rates...cosa intende dire che devo attivare burst e cache con acatune?però c'e anche scritto:The memory of the ACA-1233n is auto-configuring. This means that all memory is available from a power-up without installing any software on the computer. The old ACAtune tool which was required for previous ACA cards is not required any more.aiutatemi per favore perché visto la differenza di prezzo con quella a 25mhz vorrei sfruttarla fino in fondo...grazie
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