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09 Luglio 2010 Postato da: Alecos
NetSurf 68k - Problemi con sessioni/cookie non risolti...
Ciao! Ho notato che in molte circostanze NetSurf non è in grado di memorizzare il cookie/sessione... ho così scritto ad Artur e lui mi ha confermato che il problema esiste e si tratta di caratteristiche non implementate ancora... vi giro il testo della mail in originale...


Re: NetSurf 68k and the session/cookie not stored...


2010/7/8 <>

> Hi! Artur! I noted that NetSurf for 68k doesn't store any cookie/session... I tried all your version... why?
> And about CookieJar? What is this? Seems a store system for session but doesn't work as expected...
> Let's me know something as soon as possible, please.

Because it's not implemented yet, perhaps?

> Have a nice day. Kind regards.
> --
> Alessandro Marinuzzi
> --------------------
> --------------------

Kind regards.

Modificato il 09/07/2010 alle ore 10:08:02

Commenti: 69  Aggiungi - Pagine: 1-2-3-4


Post inviati: 1615

Visulizza profilo Messaggio Personale
151.56.190.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; it; rv: Gecko/20100625 Firefox/3.6.6 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Alecos 11 Luglio 2010    13:10:01

Risposta dal programmatore di AfA_OS:


Hello Alessandro

On 11.07.10, you wrote:

ah this was the old mail.

> > On 14/05/2009 15:24, Bernd Roesch wrote:
>> >> Hello Alessandro
>> >>
> > Hello Bernd!
>> >> On 14.05.09, you wrote:
>> >>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> Versender: Alessandro Marinuzzi E-Mail: Bemerkungen:
>>>> >>>> Hi! May you port OWB for AROS to 68k platform? There is a porting for OS
>>>> >>>> 4.x, for MOS, for AROS and now remains to do a porting for OS 3.9
>>>> >>>> (68k)... I hope you will find the time for making this porting... Kind
>>>> >>>> regards.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> mfg Bernd
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>> >>> I wrote to Jörg Strohmayer and he said to me that OWB 1.5 for 68k is the
>>> >>> last version and he doesn't plan to release another version in the
>>> >>> future... may you help AmigaOS 3.9 users which a decent web browser
>>> >>> capable of CSS, JS and more? I'm asking you an hard work and I hope in
>>> >>> your reply as soon as possible.
>>> >>>
>> >> read here, Artur try to port netsurf
>> >>
> > NetSurf porting has more missing features like
> > session/cookie/javascript/DOM that are a must for every web browser...
yes but there are plans that it add.and some progress is done.

here you can see there should also again a large speedup, so when there come java script, its far
the fastest browser.

too bad that netsurf devs have no time to bring it to google code of summer.I have hope 2009 that
netsurf 2010 get java script ;-(

cookie are not store to disk, i see but cookie work in 1 session.
but good that you write it, i ask in netsurf ML how cookie can work.

>> >> ead&forum=3&topic=1679
>> >>
>> >> as i told, i wait until OWB have more progress.maybe end of year
>> >> there is flash miss and play videos.
>> >>
ah i have not written that i do that, i have written i wait until OWB have more progress.
OWB for OS4 is not good, and still have no flash only MOS Version seem ok, but 1.8 MOS OWB source is
not release.
normaly the MOS Version should port to OS4 too.

I fear also that MOS code is not full release, or Bugs are add, because the MOS or OS4 guys want
that users motivate to buy a MOS or OS4 system with their only software and when 68k have same
software then they dislike that.

I also dont think OWB can be so fast as netsurf.

but time will show what happen with netsurf.

> > It's past a year... and it's the time for porting owb to 68k... owb of
> > Jörg Strohmayer is dead in every sense. Now AmigaOS 3.9 users need a
> > decent web browser with css/js/dom/download manager/address
> > bar/bookmark/cookie/session in order to make the life simple and easy. I
> > need to to pay with paypal... order products and without
> > dom/javascript/css is impossible!
>> >> when i release new ixemul and sdl in 2-3 weeks then we see what happen.
>> >>
> > now we have library version 63.1:
> > ibrary
>> >> OWB is some work because its no easy portable for amiga written, there is
>> >> also no bounty here as for sputnik OWB AROS etc.only bounty for netscape is
>> >> here.
>> >>
> > You may interest in MOS OWB porting that is more complete and powerfull!
but because of MUI4 also not easy to port.

>> >> look yourself here are availible browsers.OWB is only on amiga it
>> >> seeem not good
>> >>
>> >> there is google chrome for embedded devices (Handy smartphone with Android
>> >> etc.).maybe that give better performance.
>> >>
>> >> e/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=210300395
>> >>
>> >>
> > Crome... is a bad idea in my humil opinion (IMHO) while OWB MOS porting
> > would be a goal since supports html5 and more incredible features.
> > Let's me know something asap, please.
> > Kind regards.
>>> >>> Kind regards
>>> >>>
>> >> Regards
>> >>
> >
> >

Altra mail sempre di lui:



Am 11.07.10 schriebst Du

cant remember that i do that, i tell always OWB is too slow to be usefull.currently is netsurf 68k
here, it is lots faster as OWB.

But i see a OWB 1.8 MOS video, look fast, so i maybe try that, but i still have no faster machine
so compile is too much, AMD bulldozer delays.

but the longer i wait the better OWB get

> > Versender: Alessandro Marinuzzi E-Mail: Bemerkungen: Hi! About one year ago we
> > was talking about a porting of OWB under AmigaOS 3.9 (68k) and you declared available for doing
> > that. OWB for 68k (1.6) is dead as said by the original programmer so the only way to get a decent
> > browser is you. Let's me know asap if you can. Kind regards.
mfg Bernd

sembrerebbe disposto a fare una compilazione dei sorgenti di owb per mos se questi ci fossero ma sembra che i sorgenti di owb per mos puntino ai sorgenti del porting di OS4.x... io direi di incoraggiarlo... magari chiedendo i sorgenti del porting di mos al programmatore che ha fatto il porting per mos... comunque... le mai le avete adesso si deve discutere sul da farsi... IMHO



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  • [quote=titolo]-[/quote]-> Come il precedente quote, ma è possibile specificare un titolo

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  • [color=valore]-[/color]-> Imposta il colore per il testo. 'Valore' è sempre esadecimale e varia da '000000' (nero) a 'ffffff' (bianco). Alcuni esempi:
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  • [img]indirizzo[/img]-> Visualizza l'immagine indicata in 'indirizzo'. E' possibile usare anche la versione [img;w=pixel;h=pixel;mini=valore]indirizzo[/img], il parametro 'w' specifica la lunghezza in pixel da usare
    il parametro 'h' specifica l'altezza in pixel da usare
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