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01 Marzo 2022 Postato da: saimo
PED81C - schermi chunky senza C2P per AGA
Questo è stato un rilascio affrettato e non pianificato. Sono stato convinto a farlo dalla guerra in corso.


I video sottostanti mostrano qualche esempio. Nota: l'elaborazione video di YouTube ha ridotto leggermente la saturazione/luminosità dei colori.

Tutti i dettagli sono nel manuale incluso nel pacchetto.

Modificato il 02/03/2022 alle ore 13:51:37

Commenti: 31  Aggiungi - Pagine: 1-2

Post inviati: 700

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2.45.203.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:124.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/124.0
saimo 2 Aprile 2024    22:22:19
Per avere un set completo di routine di ridimensionamento (che sperabilmente userò per qualcosa, un giorno), ho aggiunto il supporto per color-keying, zero-keying (color-keying con colore 0), e ribaltamento orizzontale e verticale.
Inoltre, visto che inizialmente mi ero focalizzato sull'A1200 di base, la performance su macchine espanse non era ottimale (poiché il rendering veniva fatto direttamente in CHIP RAM), perciò ho aggiunto anche un metodo di buffering alternativo che, quando 2 raster possono essere allocati in FAST RAM, permette di renderizzare in FAST RAM e poi copia il raster renderizzato nel raster in CHIP RAM il più velocemente possibile, a partire dal fondo dello schermo. Ciò, relativamente al primo effetto nel programma di test (che l'unico di cui è stata misurata la performance finora), ha prodotto un guadagno di 8-9 fps sul mio A1200 con 68030.

Il programma di test aggiornato (disponibile all'indirizzo ), per dimostrare le nuove caratteristiche, stira e rimpicciolisce una texture con color/zero-keying coprendo quasi tutto lo schermo, sopra uno zoom a tutto schermo di fondo, con tutte le combinazioni di ribaltamento possibili. Tutto ciò è chiaramete una faticaccia per un A1200 di base, la cui performance scende a 12-16 fps nei casi più pesanti.

(Mota a margine: il video è stato registrato prima che finalizzassi il programma di test, perciò mostra una schermata iniziale datata e degli scatti di zoom relativi allo sfondo quando si passa dagli/agli effetti di color/zero-keying.)

Questo estratto del manuale aggiornato fornisce ulteriori dettagli.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

Zoomaniac has been written to evaluate the performance on stock and modestly-
accelerated Amiga 1200s of some general-purpose texture scaling routines in
conjunction with PED81C.

---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

Zoomaniac requires:
* Amiga computer
* AGA chipset
* 170 kB of CHIP RAM
* 1.2 MB of any RAM
* PAL SHRES support
* keyboard
* 1 MB of storage space

To install Zoomaniac, unpack the LhA archive to any directory of your choice.

To start Zoomaniac, open the program directory and double-click the program icon
from Workbench or execute the program from shell.

If your monitor / graphics card / scan doubler do(es) not support SHRES, the
colors will look off or even not show at all. In such case, to hopefully fix the
colors a bit, try the staggered lines option.

---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

----------+-----------------------------+----- -----------------------
[SPACE] | go to effects screen |
[F1] | turn staggered lines on/off | turn staggered lines on/off
[F2] | turn fps indicator on/off | turn fps indicator on/off
[F3] | turn fps limit on/off | turn fps limit on/off
[ESCAPE] | quit to AmigaOS | go to splash screen

---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

* The staggered lines shift the odd lines by 1 SHRES pixel to the right. On
systems which handle SHRES correctly, that will reduce the jailbars effect
(but give the screen a kind of wavy look). On system which handle SHRES as
HIRES (for example, MNT's VA2000 graphics card and Irix Labs' ScanPlus AGA -
contrary to how is was originally marketed - display only the even or odd
columns of pixels, so only reds and blues or greens and grays show), that
helps improving the colors a bit (giving the screen a kind of scanline
effect). On other systems, the results are unpredictable, but the option is
still worth a try.
* The number shown in the top-left corner of the effects screen is the fps
indicator, which reports the number of frames rendered in the last second.
It is limited to 999.
* When the fps limit is on, the maximum number of frames rendered per second
is 50 also on the most powerful machines, as the display refresh rate is 50
Hz. When the fps limit is off, frames are rendered without pausing when the
previously rendered frame/frames has/have not (completely) displayed yet. On
machines which cannot run the program at 50 fps or more, turning off the
limit has no effect whasoever; on the other machines, the only visible effect
is that the fps indicator goes beyond 50, thus giving a measure of the maximum
speed that the machines can reach.

---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

The following results are relative to the full screen effect that zooms the
cosmonaut in and out without flipping. The source textures are 256x512 dots and
the screen internally consists of 128x256 dots. Since a dot is represented by a
byte, 128x256 = 32768 bytes are fetched and written to render a frame.

On a stock Amiga 1200, the execution speed is between 25 and 26 fps. If the
staggered lines are turned on, the performance drops by about 1 fps (albeit all
that such option adds is a Copper WAIT and a Copper MOVE for each rasterline).
Given that the DMA load caused by PED81C is "double" (see its documentation for
the details), a version that uses only half the number (2) of bitplanes has been
made to check the performance as if the Amiga had a native chunky video mode.
Surprisingly, the performance did not improve at all: relatively to the CHIP bus
access, the scaling code must interleave so nicely with the bitplane data
fetches that having more bus cycles available does not make any/much difference.

An Amiga 1200 equipped with a 68030 clocked at 50 MHz and 60 ns FAST RAM easily
performs at steady 50 fps. To find out the maximum performance, tests were made
with the fps limit off.
The speed when running the program normally was between 84 and 86 fps. The
staggered lines option lowered the fps by about 1. The 2 bitplanes versions ran
at the same speed - in this case, that is because most of the CHIP RAM accesses
happen when no bitplanes DMA is going on (see TECHNICAL DETAILS section).

The following table sums up the results.

staggered lines | off | on
stock Amiga 1200 | 25-26 | 24-25
exanded Amiga 1200 | 84-86 | 84-85

expanded Amiga 1200: Blizzard 1230 IV, 68030 @50 MHz, 60 ns FAST RAM

* given that a stock Amiga 1200 reaches about 25.5 fps, it manages to render
128*256*25.5 = 835584 dots per second; considering that the 68020 is clocked
at 14.187580 MHz, rendering 1 dot requires about 14187580/835584 = 17 CPU
* on 68030 tests proved that: it is advantageous to turn the data cache burst
on when scaling a 128 dots wide rectangle to a rectangle wider than 8 dots
(i.e. with an X scaling factor greater than 1/16); with a scaling factor of
1/16 or less the difference proved to be minimal when both the source and
destination rectangles were 256 dots tall; considering that turning the data
cache burst off would therefore be advantageous only with very narrow and
tall rectangles (which are uncommon and intrinsically rather inexpensive),
it is not worth it to manage the data cache burst inside the scaling

---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

The scaling routines fit any rectangle from a texture into a rectangle of any
size and ratio of another texture with nearest-neighbor matching. Optionally,
they can flip the rectangles horizontally and/or vertically, and treat as
transparent the dots of a specific color (color-keying) or of color 0 (zero-
Color/zero-keying allows to render graphics of arbitrary shapes without masks
(which saves RAM and CPU cycles). Thanks to the fact that PED81C graphics always
use at most 81 colors, there are 256-81 = 175 colors that can be used for color-
keying without causing any visual loss.
For performance reasons, there are the 3 separate routines.

routine | color-keying | zero-keying | speed rating
-----------------------+--------------+------- ------+--------------
v_ScaleRectangle() | | | ***
v_ScaleRectangle_CK() | * | | *
v_ScaleRectangle_ZK() | | * | **

---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

* Logic and rendering are totally asynchronous: the logic runs always at 50 Hz
and the rendering never stops (unless it reaches 50 fps and the fps limit is
on), thus exploiting the machine's full potential.
* The screen is triple-buffered.
* When 2 rasters can be allocated in FAST RAM:
1. the graphics are rendered always to the available raster in FAST RAM;
2. after the rendering has completed and as soon as the bottom rasterline has
has been displayed, the rendered raster is copied as quickly as possible
to the raster in CHIP RAM (which is the one that gets displayed).
The copy successfully races the beam (on the expanded Amiga 1200 mentioned in
the PERFORMANCE section, it requires about 57 rasterlines during the vertical
blanking and 35 rasterlines during the fetching of the top rasterlines), so no
tearing occurs.
Such method yields a faster performance than rendering directly to a raster in
CHIP RAM (especially when there is overdraw and/or data gets also read from
the raster).
* The screen resolution is 1020x256 SHRES pixels, which correspond to 255x256
LORES-sized physical dots and to 128x256 logical dots.
* The code is 100% assembly.
* The program takes over the system entirely and returns to AmigaOS cleanly.

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