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01 Settembre 2022 Postato da: amiwell79
HippoPlayer V2.54
Update di questo famoso player per amiga classic te

# Changes from v2.53 (13.7.2022) to v2.54 (30.8.2022)

## New fixes:

- Fixed a severe bug that most likely occured on kickstart 2.x.
During start up chip memory could be corrupted and lead to a crash.
This was a regression related to the window resizing mechanism.

- Disabled tooltips when the window is zipped to titlebar size.
It's not useful to show the tooltips when the window has
more or less disappeared.

- Zipped window position is saved with Prefs again. This likely broke
in v2.52.

- MPEGA quality was not restored from saved prefs correctly. This
bug was introduced in a recent version.

- Fixed a scope related problem. When a Protracker module uses the 9xx
command with note, the scopes would often display the sample data wrongly.
This bug was listed as an open issue in HiP v2.45 docs.
The same bug is also visible in Protracker v2.3d.

- Fixed some TFMX 7 voice replayer issues apparent on 68060.
The Turrican 2 title theme now sounds correct.
Technical: self modifying code removed, DMA waits added.

- Info window: Fixed a bug where the slider movement was ignored
and the content not scrolled.

- Info window: Fixed a crash which would happen sometimes if
during start up the info window is opened while "Keep list on exit" is
enabled and a module playback is started.

- Info window: Fixed a text layout issue where when wrapping to
multiple lines the words would be broken. Now wrapping is done
on spaces only.

- AOS4: During exit Hippo would always crash when running on AOS4,
the exit procedure was modified so that this probably doesn't
happen anymore.

- Fixed DIGIBooster replayer crashing on 68000.

- A few other minor things and fixes.
Commenti: 1  Aggiungi  - Leggi

consulenza informatica ambito aziendale - appliance sicurezza - ambienti server multipiattaforma - servizi hosting - networking

Post inviati: 6417

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94.35.34.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Android 12; Mobile; rv:104.0) Gecko/104.0 Firefox/104.0
Commento 1
divina 5 Settembre 2022    00:42:39
Bellissimo programma ed utile aggiornamento

lunga vita al popolo ucraino massacrato dal criminale nazista Putin - fuck Putin - by Måneskin

Hey Hey Rise Up - by vecchietti Pink Floyd

Gasoline - by Måneskin

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