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13 Novembre 2019 Postato da: saimo
KOG aggiornato
Ho appena rilasciato una versione aggiornata di KOG, principalmente per apportare al suo sistema video gli stessi miglioramenti che ho fatto per Blastaway. (Prossimamente seguiranno anche BOH e Huenison.)


The Blastaway code reuses most of the video system code I had written for my other games BOH , Huenison , and KOG . Along the way, I made some improvements to the system, and at some point I decided to backport those improvements to the older games. I started from KOG - and now I have just released a new version.
(If you're surprised that this release comes just one day after Blastaway's, don't be: yesterday I've been busy with releasing Blastaway, answering comments/emails about it, and also a few visits I've received for my birthday. The trick is that I worked on KOG last week, during the final testing phase of Blastaway.)


Get KOG from - also this one is free

* Simplified and optimized CRT filters.
* Added 6x zoom.
* Added hardware-accelerated zooming for solid pixel modes to AmigaOS version.
* Fixed rate of tune of shoot mode WILD.
* Removed click from menu tune.
* Fixed other sounds.
* Touched up manual.
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