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16 Novembre 2019 Postato da: saimo
Huenison aggiornato
Come fatto per KOG, ho apportato a Huenison i miglioramenti al sistema video che mi sono stati ispirati dal lavoro fatto su Blastaway.


When in 2018 I produced the physical edition of Huenison, I intended to close forever the development of that game (originally released in 2013 and then updated five times). Yet, writing Blastaway inspired me some video system features/improvements that I just couldn't resist backport to Huenison. And now, an updated version of Huenison is available!


* Simplified and optimized CRT pixel modes.
* Made 4x LCD pixel mode slightly brighter.
* Added 6x pixel modes.
* Added hardware-accelerated zooming for solid pixel modes to AmigaOS version.

Get the latest version of Huenison from .
(Who plays it on Steam will be able to update it directly from there.)

Even more good news for the owners of the physical edition: due to the very limited production runs, the CDs were duplicated (i.e. burned), not replicated (i.e. glass mastered), thus I seized the chance to ask the factory to leave the CDs open so that, if I'd ever release an update, I could tell you... it's possible to update the CDs!
The CDs can updated by burning a new session that replaces the following files and preserves all the others:
* install-Windows.exe
* manual.pdf
* AmigaOS/Huenison
* AmigaOS/
* AmigaOS/
* AmigaOS/
* AmigaOS/
* AmigaOS/
* AmigaOS/
* AmigaOS/
* Windows/Huenison.exe

*** WARNING ***
Updating a CD is a delicate process that might damage the CD, so it is necessary to have specific knowledge and tools. If you are not completely sure, do not attempt the update or ask an expert to help. IN ANY CASE, UPDATE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
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Commento 1
amiwell79 16 Novembre 2019    19:45:41
benissimo saimo

Curatore della distribuzione Tiny Aros

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