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04 Giugno 2023 Postato da: amiwell79
REDPILLGameCreator v0.9.20
Software per amiga classic per creare giochi con supporto AGA



What it is
-A tool to empower people to create many games for Amiga without programming
-Easy to use and at the same time allow to do complex things.
-More a toy to play with than a professional tool, not having thousands of
features but instead have few features that work very well.
-Allows people to create 2D games with the true Amiga feeling!
-It is free.
-It is still in development.

What it isn't
-A tool aimed to create professional games, you will need to learn programming
for that purpose.
-No need to be a programmer, but if you are one, then Asm, C, Blitz, Amos,
etc. are more powerful than RedPill. Use RedPill if you are not good at
programming, you want to develop fast or you want to have some fun
-It should not be suitable to create any type of game, but users are
surprising me every day.
-It is not going to grow until it becomes Unreal, Unity, GameMaker or Skynet,
it is still a hobbie project. 2021 update: it already has grow quite a lot.
-The priority is allowing Amiga users to create games, power and performance
come second. I will start serious optimitzations from 0.9 onwards.

Modificato il 04/06/2023 alle ore 14:37:59

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