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05 Novembre 2024 Postato da: amiwell79
Obligement Nuovi Articoli
Nuovi articoli sul famoso portale amighista

News for September/October 2024.

Old articles from Génération 4 23 to 25: Review of Operation Stealth, Review of Wipe Out, File: Cabal, the movie, the video game, News: Disney turns to microcomputing, Review of Battlemaster, Reiew of Back To The Future Part 2, Review of Flood, File: Dick Tracy, the movie, the video game, Interview with Jim Walls, Review of Wings Of Fury, Review of Neuromancer, etc.
Interview with Cyril Houzé (Dune AGA graphic designer).
Interview with Steve Hammond (game designer from DMA Design).
The best of Byte from February to August 1990.
File: The "Who's who?" of Commodore and the Amiga.
File: David Plummer's biography.
File: Tracking routines in Graftgold's Amiga games.
Tutorial: Installing Odyssey 64-bit on AROS as a Linux host.
Tutorial: How to configure and use Synergy Server and Synergy Client on MorphOS.
Tutorial: How to create a Kickstart diskette for the Amiga 1000 with WinUAE.
DIY: Restoring two Amiga 4000s.
Programming: Assembler - Programming a cracktro on the Amiga.
Programming: Creating a demo - chapter 3, part 2, the sprites.
Special quiz about the A600GS.
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