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23 Maggio 2021 Postato da: amiwell79
Aggiornamento Controversia Cloanto vs Hyperion
Cloanto and the Amiga parties have asked for more time in the legal dispute with Hyperion for the preparation for the trial. Against the background of the respective applications of both sides to a quick-release procedure, you can not be able to be prepared to be prepared until the appointed date, as one of Hyperions application, rather than selected parts all complaints made by the opposite side, and the still outstanding Decision of the General Court of the two different applications could not be assessed, which would be negotiated in detail. In addition, the request of Cloanto and the Amiga parties, Hyperion of June 14th as a negotiation is too early.

In addition, it is requested to allow Evert Carton as a witness, since this recently submitted a potentially permissible and highly relevant proof (note d. Red.: The English original term "evidence" can also mean the plural or a testimony instead of a physical proof). It is justified by the inclusion that that he had negotiated the dispute settlement agreement of 2009 with Amiga Inc. ( reported) for Hyperion at that time. Evert Carton was, in addition to Ben Hermans, one of the two co-founders as well as managing partners of the company and took as such from 2003 the administrative activity alone. In 2011 he announced his retreat of Hyperion.

That no joint application has been submitted to change of the schedule would be because every time you have sent a hyperion lawyer a version of the design text, the answer and the amendments did not come back to the official pathway from that self, but directly from Ben Hermans His professional e-mail address of the law firm for whom this operates. Since Ben Hermans was not Hyperion's authorized lawyer, one could no longer be able to submit a joint request in good time, but Hyperion's lawyer has confirmed that he was not sufficiently prepared until the appointed negotiation date.

As is also apparent from the application of Cloanto and the Amiga parties, Hyperion insisted on a court proceedings carried out in presence with juries, while even according to the Court of First Instance and in the same way as a negotiation by video transmission without jury considers, if This is accelerating the process.
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