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23 Maggio 2021 Postato da: amiwell79
Enhancer Software BugFix
Alcune correzioni per OS4 e OS3.2


Bugfix: Could exit early when searching for a filename in the path list if a dir with the same name was found in the path
Now also searches filesystem segment lists for vertag strings. This fixes not finding version info from devices that use CrossDOSFilesystem
Some improvements in searching segment lists for version data
Can now get version info for handler-based DOS devices like CON:, RAW:, RAM: and ENV:
Now gets filesystem version info for volume and assign names
ORIGIN option now also reports handlers and their location on disk if version info comes from the file
V54: Bugfix: Getting version info from ELF executables and dos resident segment lists now works
V54: Adjusted the maximum filename, path, volume and device lengths
V54: Enlarged file read buffer
Many other optimizations
Now uses DOS's path list to find filenames that haven't been found in fixed locations like LIBS: or DEVS:; in V54 this fixes the issue of not using the APPDIR: assign
The ORIGIN option now also reports the location of the given filename if no path is used or the FILE option is not used
Added some missing V54 CLI argument abbreviations to the argument template to avoid compatibility issues
Added quotes to the shown filename in the replace prompt
V54: Enlarged copy buffer size to double that of V46
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