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01 Marzo 2022 Postato da: saimo
PED81C - schermi chunky senza C2P per AGA
Questo è stato un rilascio affrettato e non pianificato. Sono stato convinto a farlo dalla guerra in corso.


I video sottostanti mostrano qualche esempio. Nota: l'elaborazione video di YouTube ha ridotto leggermente la saturazione/luminosità dei colori.

Tutti i dettagli sono nel manuale incluso nel pacchetto.

Modificato il 02/03/2022 alle ore 13:51:37

Commenti: 31  Aggiungi - Pagine: 1-2

Post inviati: 695

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2.39.89.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:120.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/120.0
saimo 29 Novembre 2023    00:15:49
Ho appena pubblicato un altro piccolo aggiornamento, accompagnato dal PED81C Voxel Engine (PVE), cioè una nuova demo. Se non avete voglia di provarla direttamente, potete vederla in questo video - ma attenzione: la compressione video di YouTube's ha degradato la qualità visiva (specialmente la saturazione e la luminosità dei colori).

Dettagli sul PVE direttamente dal manuale:
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------

PVE is an experiment to test the graphical quality and computational performance
of the PED81C system. It allows to move freely around a typical voxel landscape.

---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

PVE requires:
* Amiga computer
* AGA chipset
* 200 kB of CHIP RAM
* 4 MB of FAST RAM
* PAL SHRES support
* digital joystick/joypad and mouse
* 2.1 MB of storage space

If the monitor / graphics card / scan doubler do(es) not support SHRES, the
colors will look off or even not show at all.
For example:
* MNT's VA2000 graphics card displays only the even columns of pixels, so only
reds and blues show;
* Irix Labs' ScanPlus AGA displays only the odd columns of pixels (contrary to
how is was originally marketed), so only greens and grays show.

To install PVE, unpack the LhA archive to any directory of your choice.

To start PVE, open the program directory and double-click the program icon from
Workbench or execute the program from shell.

---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

* The map wraps around at its edges.
* The number shown in the top-left corner of the action screen indicates the
number of frames rendered in the last second.
* Upon returning to AmigaOS, PVE prints out:
* the total number of frames rendered;
* the total number of frames shown;
* the average number of frames rendered per second;
* the average time (expressed in frames) taken by the rendering of a frame.

---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

* The graphics are first rendered in a raster in FAST RAM and then copied to a
triple-buffered PED81C raster in CHIP RAM.
* The screen resolution is 1020x200 SHRES pixels, which correspond to 255x200
LORES-sized dots and to 128x200 logical dots.
* Rendering is done by columns, from bottom to top and then left to right.
* The code applies a depth of 256 steps per column, so it evaluates 256*128 =
32768 dots per frame (and then renders only those which are actually visible).
* The code is 100% assembly.
* The code is optimized for 68030.
* The program supports only maps of 1024x1024 pixels, but it can be made to
support maps of other sizes by simply redefining the width and height
constants and reassembling the code.
* The height of the camera adapts automatically to that of the point it is at,
but it can be made user-controllable and its maximum value can be increased
almost to the point that the lanscape disappears at the bottom of the screen.
* On an Amiga 1200 equipped with a Blizzard 1230 IV mounting a 50 MHz 68030 and
60 ns RAM:
* the program runs at about 20.2 fps;
* the rendering of graphics alone runs at about 22.2 fps;
* the impact of PED81C is of about 22.2-20.2 = 2 fps - in other words,
writing the graphics to the PED81C raster requires about 50/22.2-50/20.2 =
0.223 frames (when only the bitplanes DMA is active);
* rendering the graphics directly to the PED81C raster degrades the
performance by about 2 to 3 fps (tested only with an older and less
optimized version).
* On an Amiga 1200 equipped with a PiStorm32, the program runs at 50 fps
* The map size is 1024x1024 pixels.
* The map requires 2 MB of FAST RAM.
* The program takes over the system entirely and returns to AmigaOS cleanly.

---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

After a hiatus from programming of several months (due to a computer-unrelated
project), I decided to finally create something for PED81C because I had made
nothing with it other than a few little examples, I wanted to test its
graphical quality and computational performance, and... I felt like having some
good fun.
After some inconclusive mental wandering, the idea of making a voxel engine came
to mind for unknown reasons (I had never dabbled with voxel before).
When the engine was mature enough I decided to distribute PVE publicly (which
initially was not planned).

Circa l'aggiornamento, ho corretto alcuni valori di palette in una tabella della documentazione, aggiunto le formule per calculare DIWSTRT, DIWSTOP, DIWHIGH, DDFSTRT e DDFSTOP alla documentazione e implementato le stesse nell'esempio in formato codice AMOS Professional. Questo è il passaggio relativo alle impostazioni dei registri:
In general, given a raster which is RASTERWIDTH dots wide and RASTERHEIGHT dots
tall, the values to write to the chipset registers in order to create a centered
screen can be calculated as follows:
* DIWSTRTX = $81 + (160 - SCREENWIDTH / 8)
* DIWSTRTY = $2c + (128 - SCREENHEIGHT / 2)
* DIWSTRT = ((DIWSTRTY &$ff) << 8) | ((DIWSTRTX + 1) &$ff)
* DIWSTOP = ((DIWSTOPY &$ff) << 8) | (DIWSTOPX &$ff)
* DIWHIGH = ((DIWSTOPX &$100) << 5) | (DIWSTOPY &$700) |
((DIWSTRTX &$100) >> 3) | (DIWSTRTY >> 8)
* DDFSTRT = (DIWSTRTX - 17) / 2

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