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18 Settembre 2015 Postato da: carlo
Modernizzare I Vostri Workbench

Modificato il 06/04/2020 alle ore 11:49:09

Commenti: 359  Aggiungi - Pagine: 1...-14-15-16-17-18


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79.56.251.*** Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:45.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/45.0
carlo 30 Aprile 2016    12:32:44

AKReal 8.6 (RealAMiGA) nuova versione non ufficiale di AmiKit di Retrofan pensata per gli AMiGA Reali AGA Classic, uscita in questi giorni l'aggiornamento 8.6, per chi non sa di cosa stiamo parlando, QUI un mio VideoTube che mostra l'installazione e l'avvio di AKReal 8.5.

AKReal 8.6

Novità della nuova versione:

- ADDED: ShowAmiga96 v2.3c booting picture program by Heiko Mueller for the RTG setups with Picasso.
- ADDED: "Modules/Old Skool" folder to the "Radio" option of the Start Menus of Magellan with some radio streams; CVGM, Kohina, ModFM, Nectarine and Slay Radio.
- ADDED: Delitracker II V2.34 by Peter Kunath and Frank Riffel.
- ADDED: AmiModRadio v0.98 by @Tygre.
- ADDED: RandomSkin script for AmiModRadio by Retrofan. Use it only with MUI4.
- ADDED: New modded BarryB's preferences based in Bimarcao's config for the Indivision AGA MKII available with MorpheuZ.
- ADDED: MorpheuZ now including new Booting Display option ShowAmiga96, added "AmiKit 8" theme and new AmiModRadio option with a set of the best MUI configurations and Skins for MUI4.
- ADDED: New option "IconEdit" with "Open With" when you right click on an icon info.
- ADDED: KalaK skin in diferent versions by Jan Jensen, to be used with AmigaAMP or AMPlifier.
- ADDED: Four more booting sounds. Music by DJNick and new voices by Luis Miguel Herrero and Elenita McLane.
- FIXED: Icons with RTG and AfAOS.
- FIXED: AmiStart for AfAOS.
- FIXED: Kiss Radio Stream.
- FIXED: Aminet icon tool.
- FIXED: Scalos prefs with MUI4.
- FIXED: MUI preferences in some programs using RTG.
- UPDATED: A huge amount of images have been changed to be remapped using the Retro Image Tool.
- UPDATED: WHDLoad v18.2. No more keys needed, no need to register. Many thanks to Bert Jahn.
- UPDATED: PicShow v.1.31.457 by Thomas Rapp.
- UPDATED: MUI4 20.6511 and added FlushMUI to C:
- UPDATED: ScreenText by Thomas Rapp, January 2015.
- UPDATED: Icon Library 46.4.426 for 020 by Peter Keunecke.
- UPDATED: All of the Star Menus for Magellan including the new radio streams and the new programs.
- UPDATED: AmiStart menus adding the new programs.
- UPDATED: iGame update from 2015/11/07 by Emmanuel Vasilakis.
- UPDATED: "AmiKit LOGO" now also detects and changes when using 256 colors for a better remapped look.
- CHANGED: "Better Config" with new options and now it changes ShapeShifter prefs if you select to use RTG, now using a Picasso monitor with 256 colors.
- CHANGED: FBlit and FText disabled for RTG in the Startup-Sequence.
- CHANGED: WB2000 MUI preferences and added new programs: DeliTracker and AmiModRadio.
- CHANGED: Patterns and prefs for ReqAttack when using RTG or AfA.
- CHANGED: AmiNetRadio prefs.
- CHANGED: IBrowse MUI settings and a new configuration with MorpheuZ: BlueStone2 using different fonts.
- CHANGED: Scalos prefs. Font and windows pattern.
- CHANGED: User-Startup will add a line for AmiModRadio to your existing one.
- DELETED: Indivision MKII Configs in Tools. Use MorpheuZ to install them.
- DELETED: "Workbench" wallpaper.

The update adds some new programs like AmiModRadio or DeliTracker II. Both programs have also been included in several docks.

For AmiModRadio (in Utilitites) you better include (if you hadn't) the mui.key in S. I've included also in the drawer an icon-script called "RandomSkin" that lets you boot using different skins everytime you start it. It also will use images with the right amount of colors depending on what amount you are actually using. You can also use MorpheuZ to select among different AmiModRadio configurations of skins/buttons.

DeliTracker II will use a different scope depending if you are using AGA or RTG.

There is a new folder in "Radios" in the Start Menu (right click on the AmiKit logo in the top bar) called "Mods/Old Skool", where you can now listen to that. Also new skins by Jan Jensen for AmigaAMP or AMPlifier have been added.

A lot of images and wallpapers have been remapped using the "Retro Image Tool" program, so now they will look better.

Utenti Online
Utenti registrati: 1206 dal 1 Gennaio 2006
di cui online: 5 registrati - overtune2005 - AfAOne - ilBarbax - bubu7te - braian -
62 non registrati

Benvenuto all'ultimo utente registrato: zulu

Buon Compleanno a mastergoblin - pirata75 - Skorpjone - 

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Struttura del sito interamente ideata e realizzata da Marco Lovera e Alessandra Lovera - Tutto il materiale inserito all'interno del sito č dei rispettivi autori/creatori.
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